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A New Need for a Space of Your Own

It’s likely that no matter where you live in the world, you’ve spent more time in your home in the past two months than ever before. The virtually overnight merging of our work and personal spaces is a challenge for everyone. Between kids home from school, a new need for remote work and quiet places for zoom meetings – our homes have never felt so crowded.

With many companies committing to indefinite remote work schedules, it’s clear that many people will need to re-envision the way in which their personal home can also be their office. It’s no surprise that here at Studio Shed we’ve seen a big increase in interest in detached home office solutions. While this dynamic presents immediate challenges, it also offers a welcome opportunity to improve the balance in our lives. Imagine the benefits from devoting the resources and time spent commuting to family or creative pursuits!

In looking at solutions, a backyard home office has many advantages over an office in your home – as many of us are now discovering! The creation of a dedicated place for work, physically separated from the distractions of our home provides numerous benefits. We hear time and time again from our customers that the addition of their Studio Shed has boosted creativity, increased focus and made them more productive. Who doesn’t want more of that in their life right now?

While it’s not surprising that we’ve seen a surge in interest in home office solutions, we are also seeing many people searching for personal spaces dedicated to their own well-being – whether that’s a place to work out, for meditation or yoga, or simply a place to contemplate and unwind from the frenetic pace of our days. This development may have been unexpected, but it’s not surprising.

Having a space for such pursuits is equally important, and often is the catalyst for a deeper commitment to one’s creative passions. With the merging of work and personal spaces, our homes are no longer a sanctuary, and we seek a place of our own to recharge our bodies, minds, and spirits. This is more important than ever before, with many of us confined to our homes for more hours of the day than ever before. Whether we need to cultivate a little extra patience with our kids, or create a little “spousal distancing” from time to time – a place of our own can help to create a healthier home environment for everyone as we navigate our current challenges together.

At Studio Shed we are big believers in the lifestyle and health benefits of balance in our homes, and how a dedicated space for our work and passions can help achieve that for our customers. If your own home is feeling a bit crowded – give us a call, and let our experts guide you through the process of making a little more space in your life.

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Design Your Studio Shed

One shed does not fit all. Our innovative prefab solution is a flat-packed, panelized kits of parts with hundreds of customizations in the Design Center. There are millions of combinations of sizes, door and window placements, and colors. All thoughtfully designed to work together.

A Studio Shed installed in a Colorado location with the Rocky mountains in the background.
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Built in Colorado. Delivered and assembled nationwide. Shipping available to all 50 U.S. states and select locations in Canada.